About the peaceful attitude…

7 coloured earth

“Seven different types of us, able to co-exist in peace and harmony side by side… If you can see the beauty that our plurality exudes, then know also that if different types of people co-exist side by side in peace and harmony, this results in immense beauty! – Terres des Sept Couleurs, Chamarel, Mauritius

About illuminating The Way…

albion lighthouse sunset

“Light… Intellect… just like your attempt to use lights to show the way, Shams (the sun) lights up the heavens as he leaves your presence temporarily… so that, as darkness falls, you will use the night to reflect on the true source of all Light” – Sunset at Albion Lighthouse, Mauritius 

About liberty…

hidden Le Morne

“I am your symbol of freedom… where the unfortunate found succour in the past. For all those of you who are in bondage, whether captives of others or, more likely, slaves to your own vices, behold from your vantage point and contemplate! Think of what I stand for… what it means to be truly free!” – Le Morne, World Heritage Site where runaway slaves sought shelter in the 18th and 19th centuries, South Western Mauritius

About a place for everything…

sugarcane view

“Some of us produce sweetness, some are hard and immovable, others float in the sky spreading softness, some merely functional… yet, not only do we each have a place in your view, but we also create beauty, shapes, colour and diversity of experience! And so it is for humankind… think carefully, therefore, before condemning anyone with your shortsighted judgments! – Sugarcane field view just by Albion, Mauritius

About the shaping of personalities…

alexandra falls

“Water has a unique, pre-determined identity but the path of the waterfall is shaped by the surrounding terrain… Rocks have a unique, pre-determined composition but the rock faces are shaped by the activity around them… Trees have unique, pre-determined forms but the type of vegetation is heavily influenced by the available moisture and light… similarly, humans may have a unique genetic disposition, but personalities are shaped by their life experiences… please, let us all be more empathetic then? – Alexandra Falls at about 700 metres above sea level, Southern Mauritius

About living long…

chamarel tortoises

“Our longevity can extend from 150 to 250 years! What’s the secret of living long, you ask? Well, first of all, a tough shell so that barbs, which seem to be more and more common these days, are deflected… Secondly, choosing a pace that’s measured and steady rather than the stressed out, breakneck speed of life today… And thirdly, perhaps most importantly, withdrawing into your soft and sacred inner core on a regular basis to contemplate and learn to practice innate truth and decency…” – Tortoises at Terre de Sept Couleurs, Chamarel, Mauritius

About mother earth…

Chamarel view

“I make a cradle out of my precious self so that you get shelter to settle… I make food and water available to you so that you can survive… A good way to express your gratitude would be for you to live in peace and harmony, don’t you think?” – View from Chamarel, South Western Mauritius