About piety…

sunset boat

“I come with nothing… I am nothing in the splendour of your being… I come to you battle-scarred, my experiences over the years adding a rusty dullness to my devotion… Any prayer I can offer pales in the face of your radiance… You are the source of all virtue so I am ashamed to draw your attention to my feeble attempts… All I can pray for is that you will keep me afloat and that when the time comes, you will embrace me and allow me to be a glorious nothing in the ocean of your abundance…” – At the Port Louis Harbour, Mauritius

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  1. Pingback: The Sunday Wrap: May 3, 2015 (New Rules – share your friends’ blogs also!) | The Seeker's Dungeon

  2. Pingback: The Sunday Wrap: May 10, 2015 | The Seeker's Dungeon

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