Harmony & Peace Award…

Thank you ever so much A Momma’s View for nominating my blog for the Harmony & Peace Award… I am humbled and honoured for your kind consideration!
IMG_4607.JPGThis award was created by Idealistic Rebel


“I created this new award to celebrate all those who promote Harmony & Peace, and who add Love & Beauty to the world through their Blogs and through their lives. Their Positivity makes the world a better place for all of us.”

~The Rules~

1. Give this award to seven bloggers who have added Harmony and Peace, Love and Beauty and Positivity to the world you live in. Let them know that you nominated them.

2. Acknowledge the blogger from whom you received this award.

3. Display your award on your blog, because you have earned it!

4. Continue to live in Harmony and Peace.

To be thought of amongst those who promote peace and harmony in this world is indeed an amazing feeling. When I started off my blogging journey about a year ago, I could not have imagined that I would be looking back at a life changing event. I am privileged to be part of a thinking, caring community and one that to say the least is very, very talented and from which I continue to learn everyday.

Peace and harmony not only make up the essential fabric of creation but are also sign posts of the origin and destination of everything. Nature depicts peace and harmony in a multitude of ways and most times I am either blind, deaf or unfeeling towards these indications. On the occasions when I have been alive to the depictions, I am amazed by the love and beauty that is evident in the scene…

My nominations for the Harmony and Peace Award are:

The poetry whisperer
She is very passionate about peace, harmony and love

Follow Your Shadow
I think of her as kindred soul and her harmony and peace are the result of an exquisite use of words to express Truths and Wisdom in a simple, elegant and beautiful way

Mum C writes
From West Africa, she writes poems that exude harmony

Miscellaneous Musings of a Middle-Aged Mind
The creative compositions depicted on this blog project harmony and beauty

Neil Murray
A photography blog that portrays peace and harmony in nature

Each of these websites truly deserves your visit and I am sure that you will enjoy them as much as I do.

8 thoughts on “Harmony & Peace Award…

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